Tips to Help You Get Better at Rocket League

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Plus, with our Rocket League Items Tips and Tricks guide, you can easily catch up with the competition.

Back in 2015, when Psyonix first released Rocket League, no one would have ever thought of an indie game to win the coveted “Best Sports/Racing Game Award” at The Game Awards that year. Furthermore, if that wasn’t impressive enough, since then Rocket League has not yet lost its charm. Some might even say it has gotten better. If you are looking for a new game to get into, we would highly recommend you to give Rocket League a try. Plus, with our Rocket League Items Tips and Tricks guide, you can easily catch up with the competition.

Adjust Your Camera Settings

The camera settings are something that quite a few don’t tend to change all too often, if at all. The settings that you’re provided with in Rocket League are quite in-depth, with you having the ability to really change your overall field of view and perspective while playing; a key aspect of many parts of the game.

Making the right adjustments to your camera settings can help you generally judge the flight of the ball, see where your teammates are, and generally make everything more comfortable.


Rocket League's default control setup is fine for casual play. Each button has a dedicated task, be it targeting the ball, accelerating, reversing, boosting, powersliding, or jumping. However, the default controls have a few nagging hang-ups that could keep you from executing more precise actions during a match.

This is one of those tips that you should definitely experiment with on your own. You'll find plenty comments online with players sharing their preferred controller setup, but it ultimately boils down to what you're comfortable using.


If a ball was hit into the air whilst you are directly below it and an opponent is half a pitch away driving towards the ball at supersonic speed. Who do you think is getting to the ball first? Being directly below the ball is one of the worst places to be in rocket league. Not only do you not have momentum, you have to aerial directly upwards and you will waste a lot of time building up the same speed. If you are already further away from the ball and already have the momentum, all you have to do is get your aerial going. Waste no boost trying to gain speed and you will reach the ball at 100mph. The idea behind being fast to the ball is to make sure you position yourself in a way where you have enough space in front of you while not leaving the area behind you exposed. Even if you are constantly in a good position you may still be beaten to the ball on occasion.

The combination of solid positioning and a high speed is a fickle one. The faster you travel the less time you can spend in a good position without stopping to a halt and destroying all your momentum. One useful tip for this is when driving around the pitch at high speeds trying to get yourself into a useful position is that you need to make large rotations. For example: You are rotating back to the goal and you want to get yourself onto that back post. If there is no rush to get back to the goal as soon as possible then take a wide route through the mid-boost and around the edge of the pitch. By taking the long route you can maintain higher speeds for longer without putting yourself out of position.

If you’re keeping an eye on the ball whilst doing this you can time your arrival at the back post to a shot/pass that is coming in. This means when you go for a challenge you are already in a good position to do so and you have the momentum to make it on time. The good thing about these longer routes is if there’s an unexpected change in the ball’s velocity and it seems to be heading to your own net either directly or by a player carrying the ball forward. You can then cut out of that longer route and head straight towards the goal to challenge the attempt.

However no matter how long your route is to arrive in a good position, sometimes you arrive long before you need to be which forces you to slow down. This is why you need to balance out your speed with what is happening around the pitch. If there’s no sign of danger, then you can afford to drive a more leisurely pace and pick up speed as the ball begins to make its way to where you need to be.

It’s better to start off slow and build up speed in time with the ball’s hit, rather than to force yourself to brake because you started off too quickly. The key idea here is to make sure you’re traveling as fast as you can while being in a good position to respond when needed. That way you can respond right away without having to spend time reorienting yourself or accelerating.


Recovery is key in carball. You need to be able to get into position as fast as possible from any situation – flying into the back of one of the goals, for example. A lot of the time, the fastest way back out and into play is to boost through the bottom of the net, around the curve at the back, and onto the roof of the goal.

If you keep your momentum going, you’ll actually have a large window to dodge once you fly out the front (upside-down, of course), allowing you to dodge in the direction you need to go to get back into position. Alternatively, you can jump off the roof and have your normal dodge – this is beneficial because you get to the ground quicker thanks to the jump sending you down.

Side Hits Are Key

There will be plenty of times when you can hit the ball but you're perpendicular to the goal. Some players try to back away and get a better angle so they can send the ball into the goal. This takes far too much time, time that you won't have against better teams. Instead of trying to get a better angle, just work on hitting the ball in different directions using side hits.

It's not all that difficult to hit the ball at any angle in front of or to either side of your RC car. All you have to do is jump and hit the ball to either side at the angle you want. This may take some time in practice mode to get down, but once you have learned how to easily get the side hit and the angle you want, you should be able to score from almost any angle.


Kick offs can both prevent and cause goals in either direction very quickly, flipping the momentum of a game. There are a variety of kick offs in Rocket League, but it’s hard to beat a simple, rock-solid kick off – nothing fancy. The reason being it gives you a solid wall and stops the ball coming anywhere near your half.

The key to this kick off is to meet the ball at the same time as your opponent but make sure your point of impact and momentum go straight through the centre of the ball. Draw an imaginary line from the centre of the goal, through the ball, and get the nose of your car on that line travelling into the ball. The only other thing is to try to hit dead centre vertically when you dodge into the ball. Do that and you’ll find you’ll very rarely lose the kick off meaning less goals against (and more goals for) your team.


Your nose is the hardest hitting part of your car because of the way Rocket League’s physics work, so you want to use it as much as possible (your back is actually just as powerful, but you can’t boost backwards, so the nose wins). Use air roll to invert your car on high aerials, allowing you to hit the ball down at the car without any risk of getting the wheel touch that will slow the ball down and remove all your power.

You also want to use your nose for 50/50s as well. The reason the Octane 50s so well is because the nose is higher off the ground than the cars, making it easier to get the centre of the ball with the nose. Think of 50/50s as kick offs but with far more variables to track.

With the above skills, you may know how to play to rank high in Rocket League. If you are lack of Rocket League Credits to help you level up fast, it is highly recommended to buy them from a reliable store - . Here you can choose from a bunch of professional game masters of in-demanded games to play the game and help you rank up fast. have fun!
